Wednesday, March 12, 2008 |

Web review is a search website which searches for 2,000,000 key words and phrases and gives you the answer. It is currently in the beta phase.
In short the website is a search engine and in case you don't find any result it shows you the other options you could have looked for and also allows you to add an answer.You can get add a firefox add on of MetaGlossary

Metaglossary is a glossary of a huge number of key words and terms that you may not always need and secondly the results you get are in such a form that you will seldom read them.The main point is that we already have services of google,wikipedia and answers at our disposal and they are in fact very good and give you what you want.It is just a waste of time to search on the meta glossary.But to leave my imprint I have added the meaning of techreef om the blog.
